Galleri Valeur, Title: Madame Jongleur, 2024

Sold, Title: Plymates, 2024

Special assigment, Title: The Natures Stranger, 2024

Sold, Title: Showroom, 2022

Galleri Valeur, Title: Pleasure, 2022

Galleri Valeur, Title: Theatre, 2022

Sold, Title: Bug Space, 2022

Sold, Title: Dansetrin, 2022

Sold, Title: Spider Web, 2022

Sold, Title: Insekt, 2022

Galleri Valeur, Title: Double, 2022

Galleri Valeur, Title: East, 2022

Sold, Title: Bird Cathing Flye, 2022

Sold, Title: Eat, 2022

Sold, Title: Bird 3, 2021

Sold, Title: Bird 2, 2021

Sold, Title: Bird 1, 2021

Sold, Title: After One Masterpiece Draw, 2021

Sold, Title: After One Masterpiece Draw, 2021

Sold, Title: After One Masterpiece Draw, 2021

Special assigment, Title: Lucky, 2016

Sold, Title: The Magisian, 2015

Special assigment, Title: The Kiss, 2015

Special assigment, Title: A Little Side Way, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Adventure 7, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Adventure 8, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Adventure 9, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Adventure 10, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Adventure 11, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Adventure 12, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Adventure 13, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Adventure 15, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Adventure 16, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Adventure 17, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Adventure 18, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Duracel, 2015

Special assigment, Title: K Samfundet, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Taktik, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Out Of Space, 2015

Sold, Title: Kunst I Sig Selv, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Storhedsvanvid, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Levels, 2015

Special assigment, Title: There Is Aways an If, 2015

Sold,Title: Fuld Tank, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Uden Pause, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Next, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Rainy Days, 2015

Special assigment, Title: En Snak, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Fold Dig Ud, 2015

Special assigment, Title: A Small Amount, 2015


Special assigment, Title: 50 years, 2015

Sold, Title: Play Matters, 2015

Sold, Title: Boxing News, 2015

Sold, Title: Jokes On Us, 2015

Sold, Title: Little You, 2015

Special assigment, Title: Medtaget, 2015

Sold, Title: Sammenstød, 2015

 Special assigment, Title: 1, 2, 3 Kant, 2015

Special assigment, Gallerie September, Donation til aktion, mændenes hjem, postcard front, 2014

Special assigment, Gallerie September, Donation til aktion, mændenes hjem, postcard inside, 2014

Special assigment, Gallerie September, Donation til aktion, mændenes hjem, postcard back side, 2014

Special assigment, Title: Just Playing With My Self, 2014

Special assigment, Title: Something Is Coming, 2014

Special assigment, Title: Enden Or Suspened, 2014

Special assigment, Title: Brain Attack, Biiim The World, 2014

Special assigment, Title: I Medgang Og I Modgang, 2012

Sold, Title: Hvilken Vej, 2012

Special assigment, Title: Vandring, 2012

Special assigment, Title: Udmærket Solskins Liv, 2012

Special assigment, Title: Mange Bække Små, 2012

Special assigment, Title: Følge Trop, 2012

Special assigment, Title: In-teresse, 2012

Special assigment, Title: Gift, 2012

Private collection, Title: 1-Catch A Glimpse Of The Future, 2012

Private collection, title: 2-Catch A Glimpse Of The Future, 2012

Private collection, Title: 1 And 2 Catch A Glimpse Of The Future, 2012

Sold, 2008

Sold, 2008

Sold, 2008

Sold, 2008

Sold, 2008

Sold, 2008

Sold, 2008

Sold, 2008

Sold, 2008

Sold, 2008

Sold, 2008

Sold, 2008

Sold, 2008

Sold, 2008

Sold, 2008

Sold, 2008

Sold, 2008

Sold, 2008

Sold, 2008

Sold, 2008

Sold, 2008

Sold, 2008

Sold, 2008

Special assigment, 2008

Sketch, 1996

Sketch, 1996

Sketch, 1996

Special - DK, 1995

Special- DK, 1995

Special, 1995

Special, 1995


Special, 1995

Special, 1995

Special, 1995

Privat collection, 2000

Privat collection, 2000

Privat collection, 2000

Privat collection, 2000

Privat collection, 2000

Privat collection, 2000

Privat collection, 2000

Privat collection, 2000

Privat collection, 2000

Privat collection, 2000

Privat collection, 1996

Privat collection, 1996

Privat collection, 1995

Privat collection, 1995

Privat collection, 1995

Privat collection, 1995

Privat collection, 1995

Privat collection, 1995

Privat collection, 1995

Privat collection, 1995

Privat collection, 1995

Privat collection, 1995

Privat collection, 1995

Privat collection, 1995

Privat collection, 1995

Privat collection, 1995

Privat collection, 1995

Privat collection, 1996

Privat collection, 1996

Privat collection, 1996

Privat collection, 1996

Privat collection, 1996

Privat collection, 1994

Privat collection, 1994

Privat collection, 1994

Privat collection, 1994

Privat collection, 1994

Privat collection, 1994

Privat collection, 1994

Privat collection, 1994

Privat collection, 1994

Privat collection, 1994

Privat collection, 1994

Privat collection, 1994

Privat collection, 1994

Privat collection, 1994

Privat collection, Title: Oxygen 1993

Privat collection, Title: Vag Hvid 1993